Small Business Marketing Blog(412) 228-0504


Everything You Need To Know About Starting A Small Business Blog

starting a small business blog scrabble

Should your small business have a blog? What should you blog about? How do you even get started? If you’ve been looking for ways to ramp up your web marketing efforts, there’s a pretty good chance some (or all) of those questions will sound very familiar. And they should. Starting a small business blog can be a huge decision. 

Before you dive in head first, you want to know whether the potential benefits of having a small business blog outweigh the costs. You need to find the right platform to showcase your content and your business. You’ve got to have a plan. At PodCamp Pittsburgh, a social and new media conference, I had a chance to talk about all that and more.

Looking for more information on starting a small business blog? Be sure to check out my latest Ebook, Blogging for Badass Small Business.


[Image: Flickr user JakeandLindsay Sherbert]

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